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SSSM – news 3rd week July

1) CANCELLED due to rainy forecast – Parade Family Picnic  – point pleasant park July 22nd

Drats! This fun family picnic will be cancelled due to a rainy forecast all day tomorrow.

Ill send out all registered Suzuki Parade families an email with details for the event just before! Watch for the email.

2) EIGHT SSSM teachers get more training and inspiration

EIGHT!!! of your SSSM teachers  have gone away to do further training in Suzuki teaching. You can be really proud to go to a school where the teachers are hungry and committed to learn so that they can be the best teachers they can for the children in our Suzuki community!!!

Congratulations to all teachers traveling for more “Suzuki teacher Education” and thank-you for your hard work and great personal cost that you give to us!

3) Suzuki Parents night – Save the Date – September 7th at 7pm

Don’t miss it! Meet our new teachers, get the years schedule and lots of inspiring and informative training just for Suzuki Parents.

4) Performance groups just returned from BC

The NSYA and Junior performance group members that were 11 years old and over just returned from an exchange trip with the Caribou Chilcotin youth fiddle society. The BC group will come here to visit us this  fall. It was an amazing experience for all of the SSSM players that were able to go!

5) Halifax Learning in our school this summer and FREE SECE classes for 0-4 year olds. 

There are happy learning sounds echoing in the halls of the SSSM building this summer as summer Suzuki lessons, FREE SECE music classes for 0-4 year olds are happening AND Halifax Learning’s summer camp runs each day.

For more information on Halifax Learnings day camp go to

To catch a FREE SECE class for 0-4 year olds email

6) Next fall SECE class times

Registration has just opened for the new SECE – Suzuki Early Childhood Education Music Classes for ages new born to 4 years old. Classes are small.

September classes are:

Thurs 9am, 630pm

7) Family Cape Breton Square set dance August 11th

Plan to attend the CB Family Square set dance Sat August 11th at the SSSM hall. The doors open and the “how to” lessons starts right at 630pm. Special Guests this year are Andrew Dawydchak and Kimberly Holmes. $5 per person or $20 a family.

8) Save the Date August 24th – SSSM one year celebration and Ms Christy’s 50th birthday BASH!

Watch for details to come.

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