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COVID - 19 Update from Director

The beautiful weather is here and people are going out, saying "hello" and smiling a lot more now!

Looking back on the last 3 plus months, so much has happened. The music from your families and children has kept going. I am so proud of you all! There have been dozens of group classes and 40 plus Zoom concerts coming through on up to 4 devices at once at my house! It has made the Hodder home one of the busiest, happiest and the luckiest places in all of Halifax filled with so much music coming from all of your homes!

I would like to give a sincere thank you for the kind notes, gifts, and words of encouragement that we have received at the school in the past few months. I would like to also give a huge thank you to all of the teachers and families who have donated their time, lessons and scholarships to Suzuki families in need in our community. I am humbled to be part of such a giving community that believes in music education and supporting each other.

Moving forward, I am in weekly meetings and discussions with Arts NS representatives and other Arts schools in the Maritimes. We share our ideas and discuss what the next moves will be for our programs as the government releases changing information and guidelines every few weeks.

I want to assure all Suzuki community members that we will be at the very top of the industry in health / protective standards when we meet together again in person in September. Since changes are happening regularly, I have decided to not release a detailed opening plan and then keep resending modifications to it as changes are made, but instead, I will hold off and let you know details, a week before opening.

Christy Hodder

Have a wonderful summer, keep playing music in your Happy Music Homes and keep sending me your photos and videos! 😀🎵🏡 @happymusichomes

The Scotia Suzuki School of Music will re-open its doors (TBA in what capacity and how) again officially on Septemeber 8th.

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