Message from Christy, director of the SSSM
March 17th, 2020
Hello everyone, for those of you new – I am Christy, director of the Scotia Suzuki School of Music.
After March Break, starting Monday, March 23rd, we will be making some temporary adjustments to our program.
We will be going to online private lessons in your homes. Group lessons will be, for now, moved to the 3/4th weeks of June and we will be extending our year a little bit.
Watch you Inbox – We will be announcing online Festival classes, masterclasses, studio concerts, and solo book concerts.
We will be continuing everything at the Scotia Suzuki School of Music that you love in creative and effective ways.
I am grateful for your patience and thankful for the many encouraging emails from Suzuki families. I love all of your amazing ideas – keep them coming!
We are looking forward to a special school-wide practice project. It’s BIG REVEAL will be this Saturday! So you can look forward to that all week!
These unique challenges will pass in time and I remain optimistic for the future. I know that we can get through this by supporting and helping each other. I realize for many of us this situation is really hard. We promise to continue learning with you, to keep you on track with the music goals you made this year. We will make sure we find every way possible for you to not miss out on your Suzuki experiences.
Check your Inbox and when you see Scotia Suzuki School emails, open them up!
Coming next are tips from experienced teachers, parents, and students about their online lessons.
We love you! Stay healthy and keep practicing!
Christy Hodder
NEW Corona Virus – COVID – 19 update Please watch video from the Director of the school for current updates. Watch for continuous updates