Important Dates: Thursday, Sept 9th, 7 PM Parents Night - for all parents new and returning. Saturday, Sept 11th Weekly private lessons and SECE classes start. Sunday, Sept 12th, 1-5 PM Family FUN & Music in the Park (Mark your calendars and watch for details in your next newsletter) Saturday, Sept 25th First Suzuki Saturday - see your discipline button on the Student portal page for your time. Remember: (You can also see important dates on the Calendar button on your Student Portal page and your Studio Helper calendar at any time - we are in the process of loading them up for the year right now!)
New Students
Watch for a welcome series of videos coming soon to your INBOX to help you better understand how things work at the school. Remember that you can email or talk to Missy at the office or your teacher if you have any questions at all. Never be shy! We are excited to meet you and get to know you!
Your tuition invoices will be popping into your INBOXES from Saturday to Monday. There are 10 equal monthly payments. This week's August payment will have an extended due date until August 28th. For the rest of the year, Tuition payments are prepaid on the 25th of each month. Late fees are $30. We recommend either setting up a monthly Visa payment, to not worry about forgetting or missing your payment and having a surprise late fee. We also offer an option to pay for the full year in two instalments on Aug 25th and Jan 25th.