Blog #108 Get Ready for Your Suzuki Play-In: Summer Review/Upgrade Practice Punch Cards!
Violin - Cello - Piano - Guitar - Musical Theatre - Flute - Adult Community Classes
Blog #107 Pipe cleaners activity for a Clean Sweep at Practicing!
#102 What to do with a Strong - Willed Child in Music Practice?
#100 Santa's Growing Beard: A Festive Way to Keep December Practicing Productive
#99 Creative Halloween-themed practice ideas to make practice more fun
#96 Easy games to play with music flashcards
#95 Music Magic: Strengthen note reading with these fun memory games
#94 Summer Music Survival Guide: 13 Practice Tips
#92 Why Adults & Seniors Need to Take Music Lessons
#91 My Secrets to Getting and Keeping Adults playing Music - part 2 of 3
#90 My Secrets to Getting and Keeping Adults playing Music - part 1 of 3
#88 6 Strategies to Bond with Your Student
#87 The worst and best way to use Stickers in Teaching & Practicing
#86 5 Experiments to Motivate your child to Practice in a Challenge
#85 4 Ways to Have Guilt-free Practicing Over the Holidays
#84 My Easiest and Favourite Way to Motivate Hard Work in Practice
#79 Queen Elizabeth II - 5 Ways She Is An Inspiration to Us All
#78 ELEVEN Ways to UP your Practicing or Teaching Game This Year with POST IT NOTES
#77 Music Outside or Inside?
#75 Two Ways to Avoid Having Rusty and Resistant Practicers at the End of the Summer